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Bantou Formation
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Bantou Fm base reconstruction

Bantou Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Cretaceous, K1bt, (37)


Type Locality and Naming

Western Fujian. In 1943 Chen Kai erected the Bantou series arround the Bantou Village to the north of the Yongan City, Fujian. The reference section is at Bantou of Jishan of Yongan County, Fujian Province.

The Bantou series erected stands for the fluvial-lacustrine sandy shales over the volcanic rock series and below the hematitic bed in the Yongan-Chongan area of Fujian, which has been attributed to Cretaceous. In 1942 Si Xingjian assigned the Bantou series to Early Cretaceous according to floras. In 1962 Gu Zhiwei called the Bantou series as the Wuyi Gr. The middle and lower parts of the group were called the Yanfang sub-group while the upper part was called the Bantou Formation and was attributed to Late Jurassic.

Lithology and Thickness

The Bantou Foramtion is dominated by fluvial-lacustrine clastic sediments intercalated with pyroclastic rocks, which is lithologically divided into two parts: Lower part is represented by gray purple, gray green and gray white tuffaceous sandy conglomerate, fine sandstone, siltstone and shale. Upper part is gray green thick-bedded conglomerate, tuffaceous conglomerate interbedded with gray green tuffaceous siltstone, with feldspar-quartz sandstone. It is 1070.8 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The basal part is differentiated from gray tuff lava and tuff of the underlying Xiadu Fm by the appearance of gray green tuffaceous siltstone with siltstone bands. It is in disconformable or unconformable contact with the underlying Xiadu Fm (upper formation of the Douling Gr).

Upper contact

The top part is bounded conformably by the appearance of gray and gray green greatly thick-bedded conglomerate of the JishanFujian Fm.

Regional extent

The Bantou Formation is mainly distributed in western Fujian and varies greatly both in lithology and thickness. In the Chongan, Yongan-Kengbian, Baibuqiao and Biancheng-Bizhou basins, it is mainly represented by purple red and gray green varicolored shale with a thickness generally ranging from 400 to 600 m. In the Yongan-Jian and Ninghua-Yanqian basins, its upper part is represented mostly by a set of gray black microclastic rocks with a thickness up to 800-1071 m.




The formation yields floras Cupressinocladus gracilis, C. clegans, Brachyphyllum obesum, Blatocladus manchurica, Onychiopsis sp.; estherias Orthestheria internedia , Yanjestheria sinensis; ostracods Cypridea shouchangensis, C.(Morinina) sp., C. (Bisulcocypridea) sp.; Pisces Mesoclupea showchangensis; bivalves Nakamuranaia chingshanensiis, N.elongata; gastropods Probaicalia itimensis; insects Ephemeropsis sp.


In 1965 the Fujian Regional Geological Survey Team assigned the Bantou Formation to the Lower Cretaceous but in 1972 reassigned it to the Upper Jurassic. In 1986 Hao Yichun et al suggested that the Bantou Formation should be of Early Cretaceous age. [Shown as Berriasian through Barremian in Xi et al. (2019). However, it overlies the volcanics of the Xiadu Fm of Valanginian age according to its 135-132 Ma radiometric ages.]

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

The formation is of fluvial-lacustrine facies.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao